BLANCO Australia Pty Ltd
C/- Schweizer Kobras
Level 5, 23-25 O'Connell Street
Australia ABN: 95 653 110 466
Contact our Customer Service Team:
Phone: 02 9356 4642
For technical service inquiries, please contact:
Phone: 07 5596 0894
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Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information and materials on this website. We therefore accept no responsibility and make no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided.
We are not responsible for the content of any website linked to our website over which we have no control. We make no representations as to the accuracy of any information contained in such websites, nor are we liable for the content of such websites.
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The content and structure of the Internet pages, in particular the website design, texts, graphics, images, videos, and layout, are the legally protected property of BLANCO GmbH + Co KG or affiliated companies. Any use of information or data, in particular the reproduction, redistribution, modification, and/or publication of texts, parts of texts, images, or other content requires the prior consent of the provider or rights holder.