Your kitchen is a loyal companion. On average, kitchens are kept for around 17 to 20 years. Yet even if you always treat your kitchen with care, even the very best models won’t remain unscathed by time, and you’ll reach the point where you want to renovate your kitchen.
When and how to renovate your kitchen?
You might find that your kitchen actually looks perfectly fine in many ways. There’s just the odd little flaw or scratch here and there that you’d like to get repaired rather than having to replace the entire kitchen. When planning to renovate your kitchen you should first think about the cost and external impact. We’ve put together some tips for you, covering everything from quick fixes for minor defects to major alterations. We also advise getting help from experts and tradesmen, depending on the scope of the work. A kitchen planner can help you not only with planning and designing a new kitchen, but also with extensions or conversions