My biggest beef with stacking them in the sink is that you then can’t get to your sink to wash the dishes or fill the basin up with soap until you remove all those dirty dishes you just tossed in there. Or if you need to strain or rinse some produce, you have all these yucky dishes in the way.
But I don’t like them covering the countertop either, so what’s a gal to do?! Well, with the use of this little plastic tub and a large single basin sink, I have found the best of both worlds.
Most of the dirty dishes get corralled inside this tub that sits perfectly to the side of the sink. I can conceal them more with a custom cutting board when I have it out. There is plenty of room left in the sink to rinse, strain and use the sink while these dishes sit in there. If I need more sink space, I simply remove the tub and set it on the countertop.
But typically, the majority of the dirty dishes sit nice and tidy inside this tub until they are ready to be loaded in the dishwasher or hand washed quickly right inside that tub. I find this method better than a double basin because I can move it out of the way when needed and can quickly dump or drain water. It also does a better job corralling small dirty dishes.
If I am craving a perfectly clean sink, I tuck that plastic tub underneath the sink but for the most part, it lives in the basin.